resources/links out/cool stuff to look at
- gifcities - a search engine for gifs that have been preserved by the internet archive from geocities sites
- pixilart - an in-browser pixel-art editor (i use it to make buttons and blinkies and whatnot)
- capstasher - the largest collection of 88x31 buttons
- adrian's blinkie collection - a pretty darn big blinkie collection + buttons, stamps, and dividers as a bonus
- dollz mania - a huge collection of doll makers
- internet pumper stickers - a bunch of internet bumper stickers
- cooltext - a graphics generator where you can enter any piece of text and download it in one of dozens of different fonts and whatnot
webrings (the only ones i know that are accept new sites)
pixel clubs
fun quizzes
- fanlistings - join fan listings for your favorite pieces of media and characters and add buttons to your site so everybody knows you like those things